January 23, 2015

Show Your Shelves Some Love Challenge: Update

Show Your Shelf Some Love, No Book Buying Challenge 2015 Kickoff

I'm participating in Show Your Shelves Some Love Challenge hosted by Second Run Reviews and Chapter Break.  
In this challenge we attempt to read what's on our shelves NOT buy more books.  (you can find my intro post HERE)

This month we share our TBR piles or shelves.  Here are pictures on the bookshelf in my bedroom that has much of the books I need to read.  There are more books but these are the ones I really want/need to read!

How am I doing:  Not bad.  I haven't bought any books.  I'm struggling with whether it's ok to enter book giveaways!!!
And so far I've read 3 books from my stacks and stacks of books :)


  1. Giveaways are fine, as are books bought with gift cards or received as presents :) essentially we are trying to spend less on new books. How many books on your TBR have you read this month?

  2. Looks like a great start to the year! I vote for giveaways being OK to enter as well :)
